Delta Force
As often happens, after the guys left, I got motivated to start work on the next module. We need another balloon module, but I was looking for some way to get the weight down. I came up with the idea of modifying two hollow-core doors instead of the door and plywood that I used last time. The result was this delta shaped module.I took the second door and cut the two wings with a circular saw. As suspected, there is a waffle pattern of cardboard between the two layers of hardboard.
Because the space between the hardboard doesn't match any standard lumber size, I had to mill a two-by-two to the right thickness.
I pre-drilled the lumber with pilot holes about every eight inches along the length and then glued and screwed them to the uncut door edge. Make sure you leave enough room for the geometry of the wedge shape.
I took a scrap of the strip and a hammer and pre-smashed the cardboard waffle so that the wedge would slide over the glue/nail strip.
I then applied lots of carpenter's glue to the edges of the strip, slid the wedge over the top, and nailed the wedge on both sides. The wood and clamps helped to make sure that the wings dried on the same angle as the whole door blank. Once that dried, I repeated the process for the other wing.
I saved ten pounds of weight by building the module this way. The same techniques could be used for other modules. There are several sizes of doors available, and it is a simple matter to apply the endplates and fascia to the doors. In the folding door section, you can find bi-fold doors that are 15" x 80" which is a great size for a module.