As expected, today was a great day of working on the layout. This is a
photo of Drew and Wayne working on the benchwork at Summit. Actually,
Wayne's elbow is resting on Keenbrook. We started at 9:30 and went to
4:30, so that is about 20 man-hours of work if I deduct the few minutes
we spent wolfing down Sherry's turkey taquitos!

have all of the subroadbed installed for Devore, Colton, Lugo and
Summit. We have the subroadbed cut and laid out for Keenbrook, Blue Cut,
Devore, Cajon Station, Sullivan's Curve, and Silverwood.

night I installed new fluorescent lights over the layout. There is now
eight, four-foot, plus one eight-foot fixture illuminating the layout.
Things are moving along quickly. I've signed up my layout for the January layout tour with the
Corona Model Railroad Society. We might even get to see a train run!
PS: I'm working on the problem with the archives. They should be back soon.
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