What's in a Name?

The Spanish missionaries brought us names like Friar (MP 264.1), and the names of the Saints, such as San Bernardino (MP 81.4). There were also Spanish explorers like Balboa (MP 25.3).
Of course there are as many stations with Spanish surnames as there are white railroad employee surnames. Names like Dominguez (MP 496.2) and Reyes (MP 495.3) are just as common as Edison (MP 320.1) and Smeltzer (MP 519.6).
Some names are Spanglish, a blending of Spanish and English. An example is Buena Park (MP 160.3).
Below is a list of some of the Station names and check points from the area timetables. It is interesting to imagine what they were noticing when they named these places.
- Los Alamitos = The little Aspen trees
- Aliso = Sycamore Trees
- Basta = Enough
- Brea = Oil
- Cajon = Footlocker or chest
- Caliente = Hot
- Casa Blanca = White House
- Corona = Crown
- Esperanza = Hope
- La Mirada = The Lookout
- Oro Grande = Big Gold
- Prado = Grassland
- Rana = Frog
- Redondo = Round (yes, there is a turntable there!)
- El Segundo = The Second (choice?)
- Sierra = Mountains
- Soledad = Solitude
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